News from Norway

2 minute read Published:

In the first in an occasional series of ‘linked links’ and by way of tribute to Merlin Mann’s 5ives here are some great stories from the English version of Aftenposten, Norway’s ‘leading quality daily’ that I’ve bookmarked at* recently.

(I’m half-Norwegian, so I enjoy keeping up-to-date with what’s happening in the ‘motherland’, but it’s a great feed nevertheless.)

More bookmarks.

(*apart from the impossible url, the other problem with is that you can’t use the name as a verb, in the same way that you can google, skype or digg something or someone: surely a prerequisite for any ‘Web 2.0′ service)

Let’s make it six: here’s a story about a Norwegian restaurant that’s decided to serve crow, which – apparently – “is incredibly good. It tastes like chicken with a hint of game. And it is safe to eat“. And in other news, over in neighbouring Sweden a couple of drunken moose have been causing havoc at a retirement home. This seems to be an ongoing problem with the wildlife in Sweden: earlier a suspected bird flu-infected seagull was found to be drunk.